Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It's all RANDOM

Today is like 9:15 PM and I'm weary. Hmm, what I did today was just like "boring". Hmm, anything else unusual for today is that... I found Leo's old pictures. *devil's grin* XD

I found out that he's so damn sexy. Eh, LOL! Joking. XD

There goes his first pic. Hmm, and then again, he looks so damn old in this one. O_o
Huwahahaha! Nice long hair huh. Hmm, baaah. For some reason, I noticed that I just wrote something in this blog because my friend reminded me to do so. :D She's Ate Rose. :D We've been talking 'bout blogs and then online games. x) Now, back from where I've been. I just wanted to showcase his old pictures anyway. Featuring him and his stupidness, Leo. :D *huhahahaha*

So, how's that for a hobby tonight? x)

Friday, September 21, 2007


we are here~
we will be here~
the slow time is~
flowing in this room~
the spring days glitter~
together with the smiles~
as un unending chain of happiness~
believe strongly~
that you have obtained that awaited day~
hey, the days are wonderful~
lovingly embrace your feelings~
I won't say goodbye~
because forever the days will be unchanged.. ~
surely forever..~

Friday, August 31, 2007

Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Quotes from Angel( A Vampire Series )(1999 - 2004) .

Spinoff of TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Created by Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt.
Starring David Boreanaz, Alexis Denisof, Charisma Carpenter, J. August Richards, Andy Hallett, Amy Acker, and James Marsters.

Angel: And that wins out every time with you. You know, the human race has evolved, Spike!
Spike: Oh, into a bunch of namby-pamby, self-analyzing wankers who could never hope to...
Angel: We're bigger. We're smarter. Plus, there's a thing called teamwork, not to mention the superstitious terror of your pure aggressors.

Angel: We're - I'm from Wolfram and Hart.
Spike: I'm his date.

Buffy: I felt your heart beat.

Spike: I was once a bad-assed vampire. But love and a pesky curse de-fanged me and now im just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth.

Cordelia: Well, I better get mingling. I really should be talking to people that are somebody. But it was fun!
Angel: It's nice that she's grown as a person.

Doyle: See, you need to chat people up a bit more casual like, you know? "Hi, what's your name? How's life treating you? What's that you say? Minions from hell getting you down?"

Kate: You're telling me you're an investigator?Angel: More or less.
Kate: Where's your license?
Angel: That's the less part.

Angel: I know you guys have been working hard and cooped up inside a lot. And, uh, to show my appreciation, I was thinking, the night being you know, young and all... that the three of us could, well, should maybe ... go out. You know... for fun.
Cordelia: Or.... we can... go home!
Doyle: And you can sit in the dark alone.
Angel: God yes. Thank you.

Doyle:All I'm saying is, if you and I ever hope to take that cruise to the Bahamas together, we're going to need a lot more clients with means.
Cordelia: And an alternate reality in which you're Matthew McConaughey.

Angel: I don't know about you, but I had a nice day. You know, except for the bulk of it where I was nearly tortured to death.

Kate: Go to hell.
Angel: Been there, done that.

Wuhahaha, those were my favorite tag lines when I was an avid fan of the series Angel. I had fun watching them spoof out like that. LOL!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hey, Bartender ~

I don’t mind leaving my order up to you, silent one.

Defeated in love, set upon at work, now’s not the time for me to be crying.

Your long fingers I glimpse over the counter are beautiful.

I wonder how will you use your fingers tonight to get me drunk.

Don’t pretend, don’t hide, let my clairvoyance reveal everything about you.

You’re strong, but you carry a side that is about to break, don’t you?

How about a stimulating flavor that will set you aflame more than ever?

The awe that satisfies you wells up in my blushing skin…


Tonight, I’m not in the mood

Tonight, I can’t turn back…

Friday, August 17, 2007

I Wish I Could Turn Back Time

Ah, it's two days after my birthday and it doesn't feel good at all. Someone's gone. Wa-a-aaaiiit a minute? Damn, outta my system, outta my flex, outta my mind... things are probably going to be in a lie-low status for now. I must think of a plan for changing this mood into something good. I might concentrate on this one.

Ah, this! xD

Welcome Audistas, mapa stiffy ka man or mamaw, welcome ~! At kung mahilig kang magpatawa, I am here to invite you to participate in September's event called AMW's Comedian Of The Month. In this event, everyone who will participate is free to express themselves through fashion and comedy. There will be prizes, of course. We will give you certain questions to answer. I reassure you that the questions won't be that tough. (And please reassure us na magaling kayo magpatawa at magdala ng mga characters ninyo. HAHA!)
-l>Post 1 Funny character pose d2 sa thread (Edited man or hindi, please resize it to 375 x 330)
--l>Write a funny quote. (One lang, emphasizing the word "a") (you can do a dialogue by writing it under your picture or in a balloon inside the picture)
---l>It will be held in the second or third week of September (just always check the thread for further announcement)Where to be held: Channel 15Room title: "Patawa Sessions"
----l>Why is there a need for a screenshot? We needed a screenshot to see who has the funniest costume.
-----l>We will select 6 members of the club for the final event (question and answer portion)
------l> Prizes at stake: To be decided.
BTW:here is the proper format in sending your entries
Wadya waiting for? Sali na ~

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Dangerous Material: Lead

Lead is a metal that occurs naturally in
the earth's crust. People spread it in
many ways. Lead used to be in paint and
gasoline. Lead can still be found in
contaminated soil, household dust,
drinking water, lead-glazed pottery and
some metal jewelry.

Breathing air, drinking water, eating
food or swallowing or touching dirt that
contains lead can cause many health
problems. In adults, lead can increase
blood pressure and cause infertility,
nerve disorders and muscle and joint
pain. It can also make you irritable and
affect your ability to concentrate and

Lead is especially dangerous for
children. A child who swallows large
amounts of lead may develop anemia,
severe stomachache, muscle weakness and
brain damage. Even low levels of lead
are linked to LOWER IQ SCORES!!!!

Lead is bluish white when freshly cut
but tarnishes to dull gray when exposed
to air. Lead is used in building
construction, lead-acid batteries,
bullets and shot, and is part of solder,
pewter, and fusible alloys.

Lead is a poisonous metal that can
damage nervous connections (especially
in young children) and cause blood and
brain disorders. Long term exposure to
lead or its salts (especially soluble
salts or the strong oxidant PbO2) can
cause nephropathy, and colic-like
abdominal pains.
MAKE UP's and Cellphones HAS LEAD.. aLso T,V's P.C's ETC..

So, is there a way to prevent this stuff? :D

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Life's Tid-Bits

Currently Playing - Aha by Ivy
[~One damn hot song]

Facts That Hurt

- There’s a rapid change of weather right now. If it won’t be discussed, what’s the future of the world by just waiting? WHEN WILL WE ACT? WHEN WILL WE REACT?

Know that:

• the scientific community has been investigating the link between CO2 and global warming for more than 175 years? Scientists are born skeptics, and by no means accepted the theory as fact the first time it was proposed.

• The most recent scientific report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also notes with concern that the ocean is acidifying because of increased absorption of atmospheric CO2, and thus posing a threat for shell-forming species, which are an essential part of the marine food web. Projected increases in carbon dioxide levels will cause further acidification of the ocean. (IPCC, 2007)

• The tropical animals (birds) are finding its way to Canada and more soon in the North. This is due to the prior climate change.

• Global warming doubles the number of hurricanes.

• 5 million children die per year due to environmental hazards (including polluted air or water, or exposure to chemicals.)

• Rising ozone levels stunt plant growth.

• Melting glaciers raise sea level more than polar ice sheets.

•July 15, 2007
STOCKHOLM (AFP) - British adventurer and swimmer Lewis Gordon Pugh last Sunday became the first person to swim in the icy waters of the North Pole, to raise awareness of how global warming is effecting the polar ice cap.

• Global warming causes gray whales to lose weight.

• Rising sea levels pose threat to rice.

• Polar bears are now drowning.

and more. Life is now threatened. Are we just going to wait for a blank future? Again, I'm asking you, when are you going to act?