Friday, August 31, 2007

Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Quotes from Angel( A Vampire Series )(1999 - 2004) .

Spinoff of TV's Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Created by Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt.
Starring David Boreanaz, Alexis Denisof, Charisma Carpenter, J. August Richards, Andy Hallett, Amy Acker, and James Marsters.

Angel: And that wins out every time with you. You know, the human race has evolved, Spike!
Spike: Oh, into a bunch of namby-pamby, self-analyzing wankers who could never hope to...
Angel: We're bigger. We're smarter. Plus, there's a thing called teamwork, not to mention the superstitious terror of your pure aggressors.

Angel: We're - I'm from Wolfram and Hart.
Spike: I'm his date.

Buffy: I felt your heart beat.

Spike: I was once a bad-assed vampire. But love and a pesky curse de-fanged me and now im just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth.

Cordelia: Well, I better get mingling. I really should be talking to people that are somebody. But it was fun!
Angel: It's nice that she's grown as a person.

Doyle: See, you need to chat people up a bit more casual like, you know? "Hi, what's your name? How's life treating you? What's that you say? Minions from hell getting you down?"

Kate: You're telling me you're an investigator?Angel: More or less.
Kate: Where's your license?
Angel: That's the less part.

Angel: I know you guys have been working hard and cooped up inside a lot. And, uh, to show my appreciation, I was thinking, the night being you know, young and all... that the three of us could, well, should maybe ... go out. You know... for fun.
Cordelia: Or.... we can... go home!
Doyle: And you can sit in the dark alone.
Angel: God yes. Thank you.

Doyle:All I'm saying is, if you and I ever hope to take that cruise to the Bahamas together, we're going to need a lot more clients with means.
Cordelia: And an alternate reality in which you're Matthew McConaughey.

Angel: I don't know about you, but I had a nice day. You know, except for the bulk of it where I was nearly tortured to death.

Kate: Go to hell.
Angel: Been there, done that.

Wuhahaha, those were my favorite tag lines when I was an avid fan of the series Angel. I had fun watching them spoof out like that. LOL!

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